Venuus Diaries

Venuus Diaries is a literary magazine begging to hold a space for your secrets. Each issue will dive further into the human psyche, our ego, and our unconscious fears. The hope is that you'll find comfort, courage, as well as yourself in the pages of the diary. You can simply read, lurk, and let us be your big sister who shows you just how sharp the world's teeth can be. You could read and lurk, and learn how to bite back. You could also submit and teach us how to walk on water, how to move through fire. Venuus Diaries wants you at your strongest and weakest. Tell us your regrets. For once stop pretending, stop trying, stop fighting, and show us something honest.We get lots of poetry, but we're eager to see various types of creation. Mostly anything goes. Fashion, scripts, photography, recipes, essays, paintings. We want your submissions to be personal, emotional, terrifying, and loud. Venus is the planet of love and beauty, and how wonderful it is that it's an unsurviable pit of acid and fire.

Trinity Hayes

Trinity Hayes is the founder of Venuus Diaries, and can be found @venuusian on instagram.

Hi I'm Trinity. I am a poet who created this magazine, because I have always found it difficult to get published in professional poetry magazines. Poetry is so alive, and the new generation of poets that exist are so talented, they just aren't always traditional. This is my favorite thing about you guys. I love the experimental. I love the self obsessed. I love the crazed. Your teenage girl poetry is welcome here. Your moaning and bitching is welcome as well. I want this magazine to help with shaping the next generation of art. Venuus Diaries is my passion project, and at the moment it is currently being run solely by myself. Eventually I will do an open call for interns and assistance, but if you feel drawn to this magazine and want to be a part of it, feel free to email with a portfolio and cover letter. I am open to considering the help of anyone who truly believes they understand this magazine, and want to consume it they way I do.
I am currently working on a poetry book with a fluctuating title, so be on the lookout for that within the next year.
Also, go check out my essay, "How To Fucking Bite."